First, we would like to thank you for considering the opportunity of sponsoring SC Academy and its programs that are being offered. Supporting SC Academy will provide you with the opportunity to not only work with a not-for-profit organization but as well as align yourself with an upcoming program that has made waves during its first year in one of the fastest growing sports in Canada as a whole country, basketball. As our program continues to build, becoming a sponsor will allow our athletes to further build on their skills and perform to the best of their abilities. Sponsoring a program can initially start up a season and assist with equipment, gym rentals, house leagues, tournaments & so much more.
SC Academy is a organization that offers high quality coaching to high school student athletes in a prep program as well as AAU/Rep programs. We currently cater to high schoolboys with the vision of expanding by implanting girl teams in the next few years, and to all ages who loves the game of basketball. SC Academy stands for Shamar Coombs’s Academy a former professional basketball player that has over 5+ years overseas.
Policy for SC Academy Basketball Sponsorships
SC Academy has adopted the following policy regarding sponsorships:
1. Any player/parent can freely solicit sponsorships from any person, business, or organization. All money collected will go toward the operating fees for the team.
2. All team sponsorship money must be used for the equipment, uniforms, tournaments, player registrations, clinics, camps, rentals, team practice fees, travel expenses for tournaments, team events, or anything team related.
3. In the event that all the money is not used for the team approved expenses, the remaining money is to be used for cost reduction for Team players or future registration fees.
4. A representative will be in contact with sponsors to coordinate logo, business name and any requirements for the website and advertising banner. Alongside any confirmations regarding sponsorship.
5. Please visit SC Academy's website for more information on the program itself.
• A follow up email will be sent out with instructions
• Questions:
Please email sponsor logo in transparent PNG/PDF format to
Please enter your email address
We welcome all suggestions and creative ideas to further establish successful sponsorship opportunities.
On behalf of the SC Academy Organization, We would like to thank you for your time and look forward to connecting.
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